Event Image
You’ve collaborated with your stakeholders to identify their need of strategic or tactical importance (their business need). You’ve met with your stakeholders during workshops, in interviews and through observation sessions to identify and confirm their requirements necessary to address this business need. You’re pleased with the list of requirements you’ve documented. So now what? In the February 2024 session, we will focus on the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area, the seventh chapter of the BABOK®.

Purpose of the Study Group

The purpose of monthly study group sessions is to provide an opportunity for business analysts considering or preparing to write the ECBA™, CCBA®, or CBAP® exam to talk with other like-minded individuals to review and discuss content in the BABOK®. Each month we focus on a single chapter (or two) of the BABOK®, sharing perspectives on the content and answering questions amongst the group. Time is dedicated to reviewing materials you will need to know for the exam. A quiz is offered at the end of the session to reinforce and assess the material covered. The session is facilitated by a CBAP-certified business analyst.

Overview of the Session

You’ve collaborated with your stakeholders to identify their need of strategic or tactical importance (their business need).  You’ve met with your stakeholders during workshops, in interviews and through observation sessions to identify and confirm their requirements necessary to address this business need. You’re pleased with the list of requirements you’ve documented. So now what?
In the February 2024 session, we will focus on the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area, the seventh chapter of the BABOK®.
The Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area describes the tasks that business analysts perform to structure and organize requirements discovered during elicitation activities, specify and model requirements and designs, validate and verify information, identify solution options that meet business needs, and estimate the potential value that could be realized for each solution option. This knowledge area covers the incremental and iterative activities ranging from the initial concept and exploration of the need through the transformation of those needs into a particular recommended solution.

Session Outline

  • Introduction
  • BABOK® Chapter 7: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
    • 7.1 Specify and Model Requirements
    • 7.2 Verify Requirements
    • 7.3 Validate Requirements
    • 7.4 Define Requirements Architecture
    • 7.5 Define Solution Options
    • 7.6 Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solution
  • Technique Spotlight
  • Exam Tips
  • Supplementary Information

Learning Objective

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to make the requirements and designs ready for implementation, and recommend a solution that will provide value to the organization.

Event Details

Facilitator: Ziad Sakr, CBAP, IIBA®-AAC

5:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sign-in and registration
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Session content

Cost: FREE for IIBA Members | $5 for Non-Members

Note that IIBA Members must be logged in for the IIBA Member rate to appear during registration.

Troubleshooting Your Registration

You’ve logged in but there is no REGISTER NOW button. 

  1. Check the event’s date and time. The event may have ended.
  2. You may have already registered for the event. Go to My Events page (login required) to view your upcoming webinars. 

How to Cancel Your Registration

Return to your Zoom confirmation or reminder email and select the link to edit or cancel your registration.

Who: Suitable to business analysts who are considering, studying for, or who are preparing to write their ECBA™, CCBA®, or CBAP® exam. 

Professional Development (PD) Hours: 1.5 PD hours are awarded to each study group attendee who attends and participates in the online quiz.

Note that confirmation of attendance for certification purposes will only be given if Zoom attendance records show that you attended the session for a minimum of 45 minutes.



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