As we kick off a new season, exciting plans are in motion, from monthly meetings to hands-on workshops and more. Stay tuned and get involved as we embark on another impactful year with our Chapter!

Hi everyone,
You asked for more in-person events and our first one of the season was a great success. A huge shout out to Emily Tom for organizing our social get-together “Business Analysis is (from) Everywhere”. What a wonderful opportunity to see old colleagues and make new connections. I even learned how to create a LinkedIn QR code to make it super easy to connect. I learned about some of the many places and cultures our chapter is connected with. I hope anyone who joined in would agree it was a lot of fun.
We’re planning more in-person events this season, along with some of our classic elements like our Monthly Chapter Meetings, our Monthly CBAP/CCBA/ECBA Study Group, and our Quarterly Lunch and Learn Technique Boutique collaboration with the Nova Scotia, Palmetto, and DC Metro Chapters.  Your chapter has lots to offer and there is even more being planned in the coming months.  I hope to see you there.
Helen Racette, PEng, CBAP®, P2P
President, IIBA Ottawa-Outaouais Chapter